Special sessions submission
The technical program of SimHydro 2025 will include special sessions on new or emerging topics related to Hydroinformatics. Each special session will consist of 5-6 oral presentations. The special session proposal should contain the following information:
- A title for the special session, the names and contact information of the organizers;
- A brief description of the session (up to one page);
- Brief biographies of the session organizer(s) and their contact details;
- 5-6 tentative papers with title, authors and short abstract.
Special session proposals will be evaluated immediately upon submission based on the timeliness of the topic, its uniqueness, and qualifications of the proposers. Accepted special sessions will be listed on the SimHydro 2025 website. To avoid multiple special sessions covering similar topics, it is likely that an accepted proposal will be combined with similar proposals. Organizers should not contribute more than one paper for the special session.
Deadline for special sessions submission: February 28, 2025
Notification of acceptance of the special session proposal: immediately upon submission
The papers should be formatted following the Author’s kit instructions. They should be submitted through the regular submission system (EasyChair see below) and will undergo the same peer-review process as regular papers.
Proponents of special sessions are invited to submit their proposals in pdf attached to an email to the address contact@simhydro.eu, with the Subject line: ‘Special Session Proposal’.
We are looking forward to your proposals!
Abstracts & papers submission
Deadline for abstracts submission: January 31, 2025
Notification to authors: February 28, 2025
Submission of full papers: April 1, 2025
The abstracts and the papers should be submitted through the EasyChair submission and review system. To login, please register yourself first within EasyChair system and create your account. You will have then the possibility to submit your abstract directly within the dialog box (450 words max, no file to upload). After reviewing and acceptation, you will be invited to upload your final paper only in MS Word format (*.docx or *.doc) through the EasyChair system again.
The template for the paper submission is available here.
The template for the presentation is available here.
To access to the application clic on the following EasyChair icon.